Saturday, July 4, 2009

Here are 5 great ideas you can use to generate your blog post

1. Write about what you did today at work or at homeMost often people will not bother about what you actually do or achieve, but one thing I noticed when you blog about something you are complaining about or talking nice about someone, there are people actually interested in these stuff and people will actually comment to agree!Caution when you blog about those topics, not to put in names or companies names to prevent being sued. A famous local blogger named XieXue actually talks about the government and uses lots of bad words and interestingly there are people so interested in her blog.She currently get daily 10,000 visitors just to listen about her lifestyle, seems like she is another Paris Hilton but Singapore version.
2. Compile a list of 5 problems you encounter about your business or work and write about themYou can actually sit down and compile 5 of your latest problems and you can write about the current problem people faced or if possiblealso include in solutions to the problems. The better you are at blogging about solving people's problems your blog content will beof more quality.
3. Review people's blogWhen I first started, I did not know what to write as what many bloggers are facing daily. So the next thing I would do was talk about other people's blog.Here are a list of thing you can talk about other people's blog- What you learn their blog- Why do you actually frequent that blog?- Talk about topics the blogger talk about.
4. Read articles online and duplicate contentI love to do this the most as I not only improve my knowledge but about able to generate more ideas for my business. Normally what I would do is visit a article directory and just type in the keyword I am interested to blog about.Next I will read about 2 to 3 articles and I will copy their content but rephrase them into my own words. Warning about doing this, you cannot copy any sentence from the article as in the past I got a complain email just by copying 1 sentence of an article so doensure you rephrase every word there is.
5. Blog about your experienceI find this the most meaningful and you will be suprised when you start to blog about your experience, people will be able to relateto what you write and respond!But do not simply blog about good experiences you must also share bad experiences too so that you can tell people what to avoid when you blogging it.
So put them in use and you find you will have no problems finding ideas to post on your blog.
Paul Evans.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Turn Any Product You Sell Into Residual Income

The concept of this is for you to offer a subscriptiontype product as an upsell or backend product. Forexample, if you're selling an ebook for $37 offer asubscription to a related e-zine for $9.95 a month.Instead of an e-zine, it could be monthly updatedinformation for the ebook.It's not just for e-books, you can make it work forany product or service you sell. Some subscriptionsthat might work for your product could be:- e-mail/telephone consulting- a private or members only web site- print newsletters/magazines- product updates- subscription warrantees- product insurance- e-zine/webzines- the ideas are endless.....The subscription product should be related to theproduct or service you're selling. You could chargea weekly, monthly, or yearly subscription for theupsell product. You could sell your main productand upsell product as a total subscription packagedeal. You wouldn't charge the one-time price foryour main product; you would just charge the basicsubscription price of the upsell product.The major benefits are that you don't have to keepcreating new upsell and back end products. Onceyou get enough subscribers you won't have to sellanymore, you just keep generating income fromyour current subscribers. You would only have tosell again if you lost a lot of subscribers.

Killer Press Release Secrets

1. Your press release should sound like news, not an ad.

2. You should only send your press release to themedia related to the topic of your press release.

3. Keep your press release one page in length.

4. Your header, contact information and releasedate should be at the top of your press release.

5. Use short sentences and double space your lines.6. Your header and first few sentences should grabthe readers attention.

7. You should tell a story and mention your business,product or service in the body of the press release.

8. Proofread your press release many times. Lookfor grammar and spelling mistakes.

9. Write a press release about the new products orservices you're offering on your web site.

10. Create a press release about the results of anonline survey or poll you have completed.

11. Submit a press release about a trade show orseminar you're hosting.

12. Write a press release about no cost chat roomclasses you are teaching.

13. Create a press release about your opening of anew web site.

14. Submit a press release about an online awardyour business or web site has won.

15. Write a press release about a free e-zine you'republishing.

16. Create a press release about online products orservices you're giving away.

17. Submit a press release about an online businessassociation or club you're starting.

18. Write a press release about a famous personthat's endorsing your business.

19. Create a press release about a joint venture youare doing with another business.

20. Submit a press release about a new book ore-book you wrote.

21. Write a press release about an expert who is
speaking in your chat room.

22. Create a press release about a fundraising eventyou're doing at your web site.

23. Submit a press release about a new contest orsweepstakes you're having at your site.

24. Write a press release about major sponsorshipsyou're doing online.Quote of the Day:

"Cultivate more joy by arranging your life so that more joy will be likely." -- Georgia Witkin